Carlos L. Valdes

Personal Profile

Carlos Valdes was born in Havana, Cuba in 1951. In 1960, he emigrated to the United State with his parents and settled in Miami, where he would eventually attend Miami Senior High School, Miami-Dade Community College, and Florida International University.

In 1974, he became a licensed real estate and mortgage broker, and a few years later was elected president of the Board of Realtors — the first Cuban-American to be elected to this position.

Representative Valdes began his political career in 1984, when he was elected to the Florida Republican Party Executive Committee. Four years later, in 1988, he was elected to Florida’s House of

Representatives, where he served six consecutive two-year terms. During that twelve-year period, Representative Valdes served as Republican Floor Leader and Republican Whip, and presided over several committees.

One of Carlos Valdes’ ancestors, Perucho Figueredo, was a patriot of the Cuban War of Independence and composed the Cuban national anthem. Another ancestor, Eugenio D’Ors, was a member of the Real Academia Española.

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